I decided that instead of napping after lunch this week, I would take 30 minutes and add some body movement.
I am a lunch napper and so this idea is a big change for me. After I eat lunch, I love to close my eyes and catch a 15 minute nap. My dog loves to join me in our together Power Nap Time.
For a small new habit change, this week at lunch I started doing a 0.5mile walk around the block, 12 upright shoulder presses with hand weights, 12 standing tricep presses, 25 squats with bicep curls, 12 standing side bends with weights-each side, and 25 dead bugs on my back with weights.
It’s hot outside for a walk but for 10 minutes I embrace the slight sweat. Enough to move, but not enough to mess the hair is the goal. I don’t change into full workout gear or shower after this new habit because that’s not the idea. I am just trying to add movement.
I found that I don’t miss the nap! I look forward to the fresh air and the music I put in my ears. I feel energized to a greater degree than with my nap, and my dog joins with me in movement too. He is pretty convinced that it’s our play time together and this makes me smile…even as I get a large dog toy thrown at me during my dead bug abs!

What can you do mid-day to increase your movement? Join me in mine!
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