It found me this weekend; the big Covid. I hardly have any symptoms, but I am trying to stay away from other people who might be more vulnerable. I am also doubling down on my nutrition with extra vitamin C and colorful fruits and vegetables for antioxidants.
It is times like these that I am glad for a stocked fridge. A few days before I had cleaned out the fridge and I had found:
Leftover baby carrots and cauliflower pieces from hosting a book club
A few getting squishy spaghetti squashes, and a few miniature butternut squashes from the garden
A handful of small round potatoes
A few red peppers. I was unsure if they were sweet or spicy
I chopped them all up and spread them on baking trays with parchment. I sprayed them with cooking spray, sprinkled them with salt, and roasted in the oven at 400 degrees.
I like to set the timer for 10 minutes and then check to see what veggies are done, flip all the others around a bit, and put it all back in for 10 more minutes. I repeat this 3-4 times or however much time is needed. This is a great activity for me to combine with laundry and other chores around the house as I can do other tasks in the 10 minute intervals.

This is how I food prep and how I tend to arrange my meals : A Bean, A Green, and A Grain.
Breakfast is shredded wheat with blueberries and soy milk. Let’s substitute blueberries for the green because it’s breakfast, the mini wheats are the grain, and the soy milk is the bean.
Lunch is a curry split pea spread on sourdough with mixed greens, fresh cucumber, some of the roasted veggies, and some added sugar free cookies that I had made after roasting the veggies. The greens are a handful from store box, the bean is the curried split pea, and the grain is the sourdough bread.

I snacked on some edamame which I love as a way to increase the protein in my diet. Dinner was take- out Indian that I ate with my husband on the porch while properly socially distanced. The bean was the chick peas, the grain was the rice, and the green was a handful of greens I added for fun.

It was delicious food that nourished my body and gave it fuel to fight the Covid. I hope everyone has a great week…and Happy Plant Eating!